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Update curation stats table based on reporting terms document - list of tasks #3588

Open mahirst opened 1 month ago

mahirst commented 1 month ago

Listed here are the initial tasks for the curation stats page overhaul, in accordance with the reporting terms meetings and discussions among curators and dev about how each metric should be measured. Reporting terms guide here: With definitions in the "curation_definitions" sheet.

Curation stats page:

On the curation stats page, please make the following adjustments to the exportable curation stats table:

  1. Add: "Record initiated" as defined in row 2. If we can get it separated into records initiated via API call versus records initiated internally, that would be amazing. (With the understanding that we will only be able to measure this differentiation going forward).
  2. Add: Queue size (total), row 5.
  3. Add: Queue size (unclaimed), row 6.
  4. Rename: "new to submitted" to "New to queue", row 7.
  5. Rename: "PPR to submitted" to "PPR to queue", row 9.
ahamelers commented 1 week ago

2-3: Previously there was a complaint that this table was too wide and needed to be reduced—we removed some superfluous columns that were just two other columns added together, and tried to make the column titles as short as possible. "Queue size" is in fact already displaying "Queue size (total)." In the spirit of keeping these from getting too wide, can we keep that without the parentheses, and just title the new column "Unclaimed"?

Also, what about the "At a glance" data? We should change the design of that, but what info do you actually need up there?

ahamelers commented 1 week ago

Discovering the daily 'unclaimed' numbers does not seem to be possible with the current setup—the history of who was set as editor is not recorded except in the curation activity actions, and the action that auto-assigns a user is not set by that user but by the system. I can do the other items on the list, but listing daily unclaimed numbers will be blocked until we change the way curators are assigned and recorded.