Please add the following paragraph to the Preferred file formats section of our Help page:
Note: RAR (Roshal ARchive) is a proprietary compression format. Because users may not have access to the necessary tools to open RAR files we cannot accept them for publication. For open data submissions, it’s best to use open, widely supported, and easily accessible formats like those listed above.
Preferred file formats
Most types of files can be submitted (e.g., text, spreadsheets, video, photographs, code) including compressed archives of multiple files. Dryad welcomes the submission of data in multiple formats to enable various reuse scenarios. For instance, Dryad's preferred format for tabular data is CSV, however, an Excel spreadsheet may optimize reuse in some cases. Thus, Dryad accepts more than just the preservation-friendly formats listed below.
README files should be in Markdown (MD)
Comma-separated values (CSV) for tabular data
Semi-structured plain text formats for non-tabular data (e.g., protein sequences)
Structured plain text (XML, JSON)
Video: AVI, MPEG, MP4
Compressed file archive: TAR.GZ, 7Z, ZIP
Note: RAR (Roshal ARchive) is a proprietary compression format. Because users may not have access to the necessary tools to open RAR files we cannot accept them for publication. For open data submissions, it’s best to use open, widely supported, and easily accessible formats like those listed above.
Please add the following paragraph to the Preferred file formats section of our Help page:
Note: RAR (Roshal ARchive) is a proprietary compression format. Because users may not have access to the necessary tools to open RAR files we cannot accept them for publication. For open data submissions, it’s best to use open, widely supported, and easily accessible formats like those listed above.