Please update the auto-withdrawn notification to the following:
Dear <%= @user_name %>,
Your data submission has been automatically withdrawn from the Dryad platform due to inactivity for more than one year. Your data will be permanently deleted after one year with further inactivity:
Locate your submission under the header “Withdrawn”
Click "Revise submission" to access your submission
Incorporate edits, if any
Click "Submit"
Please note that your dataset never completed the curation process and, therefore, was not published. You should have received an email from us outlining the changes required to have your dataset published.
If you do not have access to the email or if you have any questions about the action taken to withdraw your dataset, please contact us at <%= @helpdesk_email %>.
Please update the auto-withdrawn notification to the following:
Dear <%= @user_name %>,
Your data submission has been automatically withdrawn from the Dryad platform due to inactivity for more than one year. Your data will be permanently deleted after one year with further inactivity:
Title: <%= @resource.title %>
<%= @resource.identifier_str %>
You can reinstate your submission by following these steps:
Please note that your dataset never completed the curation process and, therefore, was not published. You should have received an email from us outlining the changes required to have your dataset published.
If you do not have access to the email or if you have any questions about the action taken to withdraw your dataset, please contact us at <%= @helpdesk_email %>.
The Dryad Team