Open washcycle opened 6 years ago
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 9:7 cannot recognize input near 'NUMBER' '>' ',' in column type (state=42000,code=40000)
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE table_name ( supplier_news ARRAY<STRUCT< my_code: STRING, my_name: STRING, matching_results: INTEGER, results: ARRAY<STRUCT< id: STRING, result_metadata: STRUCT< score: NUMBER >, author: STRING, enriched_title: STRUCT< entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< count: INTEGER, sentiment: STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING >, text: STRING, relevance: NUMBER, type: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING>, name: STRING, dbpedia_resource: STRING > > >, sentiment: STRUCT< document: STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING > >, semantic_roles: ARRAY<STRUCT< subject: STRUCT< text: STRING, keywords: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING > >, entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, text: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING>, name: STRING, dbpedia_resource: STRING > > > >, sentence: STRING, object: STRUCT< text: STRING, keywords: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING > >, entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, text: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING>, name: STRING, dbpedia_resource: STRING > > > >, action: STRUCT< verb: STRUCT< text: STRING, tense: STRING, negated: BOOLEAN >, text: STRING, normalized: STRING > > >, concepts: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING, relevance: NUMBER, dbpedia_resource: STRING > >, categories: ARRAY<STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING > >, relations: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, sentence: STRING, score: NUMBER, arguments: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING, entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, text: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING> > > >, location: ARRAY<INTEGER> > > > >, keywords: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING, sentiment: STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING >, relevance: NUMBER > > >, crawl_date: STRING, url: STRING, host: STRING, text: STRING, country: STRING, source_type: STRING, language: STRING, publication_date: STRING, enriched_text: STRUCT< entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< count: INTEGER, sentiment: STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING >, text: STRING, relevance: NUMBER, type: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING>, name: STRING, dbpedia_resource: STRING > > >, sentiment: STRUCT< document: STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING > >, semantic_roles: ARRAY<STRUCT< subject: STRUCT< text: STRING, keywords: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING > >, entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, text: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING>, name: STRING, dbpedia_resource: STRING > > > >, sentence: STRING, object: STRUCT< text: STRING, keywords: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING > >, entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, text: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING>, name: STRING, dbpedia_resource: STRING > > > >, action: STRUCT< verb: STRUCT< text: STRING, tense: STRING, negated: BOOLEAN >, text: STRING, normalized: STRING > > >, concepts: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING, relevance: NUMBER, dbpedia_resource: STRING > >, categories: ARRAY<STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING > >, relations: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, sentence: STRING, score: NUMBER, arguments: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING, entities: ARRAY<STRUCT< type: STRING, text: STRING, disambiguation: STRUCT< subtype: ARRAY<STRING> > > >, location: ARRAY<INTEGER> > > > >, keywords: ARRAY<STRUCT< text: STRING, sentiment: STRUCT< score: NUMBER, label: STRING >, relevance: NUMBER > > >, extracted_metadata: STRUCT< sha1: STRING, filename: STRING, file_type: STRING >, title: STRING, forum_title: STRING, external_links: ARRAY<STRING>, main_image_url: STRING > > > > ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' LOCATION '';
Might have fixed it by replacing NUMBER with DOUBLE
Let me know if it persists, and I will look at it :)