dataflownb / dfkernel

A kernel to support Python dataflows in the Jupyter Notebook environment
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Proposed: dfnotebook: merged dfkernel and dfkernel-extension #97

Open colinjbrown opened 4 hours ago

colinjbrown commented 4 hours ago

We've had meetings regarding this but it seems like a good idea to write out the plan for this repository:

dfkernel repository - renamed to dfnotebook

dfnotebook repository structure:

dfnotebook ├── frontend (dfnotebook-extension) ├── kernel (dfkernel most of current repository goes here) ├── docs - a single set of documentation for dfnotebook not two separate repositories ├── .github - GitHub actions that runs tests for both notebook extension and tests ├── examples - examples should be placed at the top level and not inside dfkernel ├── pyproject.toml - for installing both the frontend and kernel

Advantages: This should result in a package that installs both packages A unified method for testing Less confusing process for installation Less confusing process for approving pull requests, feature requests can be included together

A prestep in this process should be the moving of the utilities to a new dfutilities package which will replace the current dfconvert.

dakoop commented 4 hours ago

Naming of dfutilities should be dfutils in my opinion. dfconvert would be a command tool in dfutils. Based on the general structure of extensions, I think the structure gets tweaked a bit so that dfnotebook is the core python package and kernel (or maybe dfkernel) is a subdirectory in it. In addition, frontend is called src in the cookiecutter, but this isn't a big deal in my opinion.