datafoodconsortium / ontology

The DFC ontology is available as OWL and RDF.
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Voucher Use Case #001 #72

Closed RaggedStaff closed 1 year ago

RaggedStaff commented 1 year ago

Several platforms are looking at implementing functionality to support the use of externally funded (e.g. Government) Vouchers to improve access to local food. Schemes in the UK include Healthy Start. Use of voucher payments often includes some regulatory or reporting requirements by the funding organisation.

It is necessary to be able to capture/report (anonymously) on what products the vouchers were spent on and when. There is also a question of how the value of the voucher is split/apportioned across systems if the order contains products from multiple platforms.

Potential Use Cases

  1. As a User I need to be able to apply a voucher at checkout to reduce the immediate cost of food to me.
  2. As a platform I need to ensure vouchers are only applied to valid product types in a users basket.
  3. As a Hub I need to capture voucher codes, value etc for each transaction to ensure I can recover those costs from the funding organisation.

Questions coming up for me...

  1. Do we need to track use of vouchers across platforms? The following example might help:

                 - Jean places an order on Marie's Hub (on Socleo) for 2kg Tomatoes (€6.50) & 12 eggs (€4.95)
                 - The tomatoes are from Producer Claude on OFN, his price is €5.75.  
                 - The order total is €13.95 (incl. €2.50 delivery charge)  
                 - A voucher is applied at checkout for a value of €8.
                 - The voucher is valid for fruit, vegetables, eggs & animal milk.
                 -  Jean then pays the balance of €5.95
                 -  Claude needs to be paid €5.75
                 -  Do we pay Claude out of the cash payment? Do we 

I think this is fine - as we have previously agreed that Hubs must generate secondary Orders for their suppliers (typically 1 per Sales Session), so Marie will order 2kg of Tomatoes from Claude & Claude bills Marie separately. The Voucher is only involved in the retail transaction/order, which is between Marie & Jean and entirely captured on a single platform (Socleo).

  1. Can we apportion/split a voucher across an order that includes products from multiple platforms?

Again I think this is fine as a single order will be generated (and confined to a single platform) for the retail transaction so DFC doesn't need to get involved.

Would be good to confirm my understanding on this weeks call @Alcoz

lecoqlibre commented 1 year ago

Maybe not be the responsibility of the ontology but only of the platform. It's like a PaymentMethod, a concept that should be removed from the ontology as we discussed today.