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show processlist host is NULL #15359

Closed BohuTANG closed 2 weeks ago

BohuTANG commented 2 weeks ago


The client host is NULL in show processlist:


│          node          │                  id                  │    type   │       host       │  user  │ command │  database  │     extra_info    │ memory_usage │ data_read_bytes │ data_write_bytes │ scan_progress_read_rows │ scan_progress_read_bytes │ mysql_connection_id │  time  │       status       │
│         String         │                String                │   String  │ Nullable(String) │ String │  String │   String   │       String      │     Int64    │      UInt64     │      UInt64      │          UInt64         │          UInt64          │   Nullable(UInt32)  │ UInt64 │       String       │
│ G7AgYzpeH94ZqjPDahFLy5 │ cceb994d-b024-4619-ba1d-65e3668b853a │ HTTPQuery │ NULL             │ bohu   │ Query   │ tpch_sf100 │ SHOW PROCESSLIST  │            0 │               0 │                0 │                       0 │                        0 │                NULL │      0 │ executing pipeline │
TCeason commented 2 weeks ago

Seems http handler not store host.

MySQL [(none)]> show processlist;
| node                   | id                                   | type  | host            | user | command | database | extra_info        | memory_usage | data_read_bytes | data_write_bytes | scan_progress_read_rows | scan_progress_read_bytes | mysql_connection_id | time | status             |
| VGg035BPa9QqAocYk7rLx7 | 797ecdbe-8228-486b-aff2-d4a7f23f9183 | MySQL | | root | Query   | default  | SHOW PROCESSLIST  |            0 |               0 |                0 |                       0 |                        0 |                  18 |    0 | executing pipeline |
1 row in set (0.025 sec)
:) show processlist;


│          node          │                  id                  │    type   │       host       │  user  │ command │ database │     extra_info    │ memory_usage │ data_read_bytes │ data_write_bytes │ scan_progress_read_rows │ scan_progress_read_bytes │ mysql_connection_id │  time  │       status       │
│         String         │                String                │   String  │ Nullable(String) │ String │  String │  String  │       String      │     Int64    │      UInt64     │      UInt64      │          UInt64         │          UInt64          │   Nullable(UInt32)  │ UInt64 │       String       │
│ VGg035BPa9QqAocYk7rLx7 │ c8b2764a-6c55-40fb-8d33-328b01287006 │ HTTPQuery │ NULL             │ root   │ Query   │ default  │ SHOW PROCESSLIST  │            0 │               0 │                0 │                       0 │                        0 │                NULL │      0 │ executing pipeline │