datagovsg / datagovsg-datasets

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Dataset request: solar irradiance PV output #1269

Open sookoon opened 2 years ago

sookoon commented 2 years ago

Please provide the name of the dataset or describe the dataset that you're requesting:

Singapore's solar irradiance PV output And any other Singapore related weather data

Do you know which agency provides/can provide this data?

( Refer to this link for a full list of agencies: ) EMA

If there's an issue with a dataset, please provide a description of the problem

On EMA website, it is only avail as a picture.

Please provide the fields expected in this dataset:

(e.g. month | country | passengers)

DateTimeOfPV | PV_value | installed_PV_cap

2021-11-26 14:03| 240.06 | 431.17

How frequently would you need this dataset to be updated?

real time or 30mins

Can you give a short explanation on how you're planning to use this dataset?

I am from the IT department of Senoko Energy. We are a power generating company. My trader would like to have PV output data to run analysis on the impact of solar to peak demand. The PV output data will be very helpful for us to understand Singapore demand. This data will aid Singapore's energy companies to become more efficient and help Singapore in our decarbonization, greenplan and sustainable energy goals.

My company email is at sookoon at

If you are looking for a project, we can get in touch and explore what other data can be made available to benefit more people. Thank you.

lennardl commented 2 years ago

@sookoon NEA only provide us with the following realtime data UV isn't provided.