datagovsg / school-picker
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Follow up project: Early Childhood Education #3

Open yongjun21 opened 6 years ago

yongjun21 commented 6 years ago


Looking for collaborators to kick start this project. I can provide technical training if needed. Comment below if you are interested

yongjun21 commented 6 years ago

yongjun21 commented 6 years ago

Hi @kahpeng, I have created a separate issue tracker for the ECDA project. We can discuss here.

You can work on the ECDA project if this is more interesting to you. For a start you may refer to my ClickerPicker repo and learn how to build a scrapper for the ECDA data. Work on a development branch and when you are done make a pull request onto your master branch and request a review from me. I can help review your code.

By the way, this was a planned follow up project from the start, just that I haven't found time to work on it. Since you have expressed interest, I'll let you move it forward and provide whatever technical assistance I can.

yongjun21 commented 6 years ago

kahpeng commented 6 years ago

Hi @yongjun21 thanks for the reply, sorry i just back from long holiday trip, will start looking at your scrapped child care data.