Datagrok uses RDKit minimal lib for cheminformatics related calculations. Minimal lib is limited to a subset of features presented in RDKit which is usually wrapped and used in Python. Some more features will be useful in the minimal lib. One of them are features essential for R-groups analysis. In Python RDKit they are used as:
Implement these both functions RDKit minimal lib using c++
Datagrok uses RDKit minimal lib for cheminformatics related calculations. Minimal lib is limited to a subset of features presented in RDKit which is usually wrapped and used in Python. Some more features will be useful in the minimal lib. One of them are features essential for R-groups analysis. In Python RDKit they are used as: Chem.ReplaceCore Chem.GetMolFrags
Implement these both functions RDKit minimal lib using c++
Add this functionality to JS wrapper and to CFFI wrapper