Closed liaicheng closed 4 years ago
Hi, @liaicheng ,
The datum you use to test in the error message is qualified for the Kafka schema validator.
Nonetheless, as for the data from your formatted JSON, the type of snapshot should to be parenthesis ("com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.DatasetSnapshot")
instead of bracket ["com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.DatasetSnapshot"]
Meanwhile, You can always verify against the to see if it is a valid event.
Thanks for your response. When i changed my data as you mentioned, but it didn't work. Otherwise, is a code for kafka consumer and producer , that didn't not give me some useful tip about schema error. @RealChrisL
@liaicheng, provides the fundamental debuggability for the metadata ingestion, especially in Kafka schema validation.
I am able to ingest the datum:
Producing MetadataChangeEvent records to topic MetadataChangeEvent. ^c to exit.
MCE1: {'auditHeader': None, 'proposedSnapshot': ('com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.DatasetSnapshot', {'urn': 'urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,abel_test.base_indicator_value,PROD)', 'aspects': [{'owners': [{'owner': 'urn:li:corpuser:test', 'type': 'DATAOWNER'}], 'lastModified': {'time': 1584078957, 'actor': 'urn:li:corpuser:test'}}, {'upstreams': [{'auditStamp': {'time': 1584078957, 'actor': 'urn:li:corpuser:test'}, 'dataset': 'urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,ma(name:indicator_time,PROD)', 'type': 'EXTERNAL_TABLE'}]}, {'elements': [{'url': 'cdh-10-47-250-3', 'description': 'sample doc to describe upstreams', 'createStamp': {'time': 1584078957, 'actor': 'urn:li:corpuser:test'}}]}, {'schemaName': 'abel_test.base_indicator_value', 'platform': 'urn:li:dataPlatform:hive', 'version': 0, 'created': {'time': 1531386535, 'actor': 'urn:li:corpuser:test'}, 'lastModified': {'time': 1584078957, 'actor': 'urn:li:corpuser:test'}, 'hash': '', 'platformSchema': {'OtherSchema': "[('person_id', 'bigint', ''), ('indicator_id', 'bigint', 'dfds'), ('base_value', 'double', 'dfds'), ('indicator_value', 'double', ''), ('message', 'string', 'aaa'), ('indicator_time', 'timestamp', 'test'), ('level', 'int', 'da')]"}, 'fields': [{'fieldPath': '', 'description': '', 'nativeDataType': 'string', 'type': {'type': {'com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.schema.StringType': {}}}}]}]}), 'proposedDelta': None}
Please also consider to break down the aspects for the verification.
Bellow is my data:
While i use to test, error occurs: The datum
is not an example of the schema
Any problem with my data? the code is OK for others? Thanks