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Specstore stopped responding requests after moving to bigger node #216

Closed zelima closed 5 years ago

zelima commented 5 years ago

We are getting timeout errors from specstore - data push is not working

Acceptance Criteria



So in few hours after moving specstore to new, bigger node it stopped responding on requests. Seemed like nginx was not resolving spesctore. Debbuging a bit we found following:

specstore by itself is and was working fine until suddenly it stopped responding on requests

zelima commented 5 years ago

As occurred we were seeing 2 different IP addresses for specstore when curling nginx.

curl from nginx:

* Connected to specstore (**.**.***.IP1) port 8000 (#0)
> GET /source/core/finance-vix/1 HTTP/1.1

error log in nginx:

2018/07/19 17:39:11 [info] 9#9: *59690 epoll_wait() reported that client prematurely closed connection, so upstream connection is closed too while connecting to upstream, client: **.***.*.*, server: , request: "GET /source/core/finance-vix/1 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://**.**.***.IP2:8000/source/core/finance-vix/1", host: ""

Meaning nginx resolved specstore and then specstore moved to new IP (due to node migration). As a solution we had to just restart nginx and it resolved specstore on new IP

zelima commented 5 years ago