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Error during distributed computing populaution #56

Closed foustgeorge closed 1 year ago

foustgeorge commented 1 year ago


I am experiencing an issue with the distributed computation option in Datajoint. Especially I am trying to run the command

lsensGF.ComputeFISSA.populate(reserve_jobs =True)

after I have cleaned the the matrix with and what I am getting is this error:

MissingAttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) ~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_17976/ in ----> 1 lsensGF.ComputeFISSA.populate(reserve_jobs =True)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\datajoint\ in populate(self, suppress_errors, return_exception_objects, reserve_jobs, order, limit, max_calls, display_progress, *restrictions) 146 if max_calls is not None and call_count >= max_calls: 147 break --> 148 if not reserve_jobs or jobs.reserve(, self._job_key(key)): 149 self.connection.start_transaction() 150 if key in # already populated

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\datajoint\ in reserve(self, table_name, key) 79 try: 80 with config(enable_python_native_blobs=True): ---> 81 self.insert1(job, ignore_extra_fields=True) 82 except DuplicateError: 83 return False

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\datajoint\ in insert1(self, row, kwargs) 173 For kwargs, see insert() 174 """ --> 175 self.insert((row,), kwargs) 176 177 def insert(self, rows, replace=False, skip_duplicates=False, ignore_extra_fields=False, allow_direct_insert=None):

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\datajoint\ in insert(self, rows, replace, skip_duplicates, ignore_extra_fields, allow_direct_insert) 344 duplicate=(' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {pk}={pk}'.format(pk=self.primary_key[0]) 345 if skip_duplicates else '')) --> 346 self.connection.query(query, args=list( 347 itertools.chain.from_iterable((v for v in r['values'] if v is not None) for r in rows))) 348 except UnknownAttributeError as err:

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\datajoint\ in query(self, query, args, as_dict, suppress_warnings, reconnect) 212 cursor = self._conn.cursor(cursor=cursor_class) 213 try: --> 214 self._execute_query(cursor, query, args, cursor_class, suppress_warnings) 215 except errors.LostConnectionError: 216 if not reconnect:

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\datajoint\ in _execute_query(cursor, query, args, cursor_class, suppress_warnings) 194 cursor.execute(query, args) 195 except client.err.Error as err: --> 196 raise translate_query_error(err, query) from None 197 198 def query(self, query, args=(), *, as_dict=False, suppress_warnings=True, reconnect=None):

MissingAttributeError: Field 'error_message' doesn't have a default value

This happens in all of the computers having access to the same Datajoint server making the distributed computation not possible.

Can you please help me to get over this problem?

Thanks a lot in advance, Georgios

kabilar commented 1 year ago

Closing since this is a duplicate of