datakaveri / iudx-deployment

Installation and setup scripts for single and multi node (clustered) IUDX services.
MIT License
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1.9 Improve Documentation for docker deployment #68

Open abhi4578 opened 2 years ago

abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

Maintain uniform structure, git version documentation just like a code, mainly because docs will change with code changes and releases!

Structure the documentation , according to needs

abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

Documentation and Hosting

abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

The markdown docs can be "beautified"/UX or UI themes through some sort of static site generator from markdown files(.md) , in docker they use jekyll static site generator. Its OSS licensed under MIT. Host it using github pages?

abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

Its pretty much simple both for UI point of view and developers/anyone who wants to contribute to documentation by just clicking edit docs . Its standard template markdown and edit the markdown files! The src markdown file corresponds to docs page is! You can get much better idea of each page by going to that page in docker docs and clicking edit this page which would redirect to exact github src code of that page :) Screenshot from 2021-11-10 10-32-55

abhi4578 commented 2 years ago
abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

Pros of hosting docs on github pages using jekyll:



abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

It would be better if we know what exact content is to be hosted through website and other requirements of website -

abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

versioned documentation - maybe not so straightforward as sphix/mkdocs in readthedocs .

abhi4578 commented 2 years ago

Some requirements from the meet on friday 12 Nov on documentation tool, how we start documenting:

  1. Easier to contribute to docs by each team and should not be concentrated to a specific team
  2. Use of markdown files for docs and host using some sort of static/docs generator which would generate docs in good UI/UX way.
  3. Have as little customization as possible in Markdown files related to the tool we use for genera

tion of docs from markdown files. Eg: minimize use of liquid template in md files if we use jekyll tool

  1. The Docs itself be open-source so if any documentation is missing, it can be contributed by the community or create issue for adding that docs through github.
  2. Having some sort of versioned documentation in the generated docs possible, would also be good! If we are planning to support atleast one or more versions! eg: in, Screenshot from 2021-11-16 13-08-49
  3. Able to host it easily and deploy changes easily. Automation would be good.
  4. The tool must be able to fulfill whatever UX/UI designs we get in a simple manner

Please add more if i have forgotten something @mahimatics @ThorodanBrom @swaminathanvasanth @abhisekparichha-iudx @Rnaaz @kailash @rraks Feel free to discuss here the tools in this issue thread!

Rnaaz commented 2 years ago

Docusaurus is another powerful open source static-site generator which can help to build a beautiful documentation site in no time. It builds a single-page application with a fast client-side navigation, leveraging the full power of React to make your site interactive. It provides out-of-the-box documentation features, but can also be used to create any kind of site. Some of it's key features:

  1. It uses Markdown files for editing.
  2. Uses advanced features like versioning, i18n, search and theme customizations.
  3. It can be easily deployed using netlify or github pages.
  4. It uses yarn to build the application, so it's very fast while updating or modifying the files.

Sharing the links for the above. Please feel free to share your views & feedback.

Also sharing the screenshots which I have edited using Docusaurus. image (1) image (2) image (3) image