datakurre / collective.pfg.dexterity

Dexterity PFG Adapter
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Feature request: dynamically create a dexterity-type #4

Open woutervh opened 12 years ago

woutervh commented 12 years ago

I have a long PFG, where I want the submitted content to have an owner, workflows,... currently I need to recreate/duplicate all PFG-field in to a dexterity-type, doing lots of copy-paste.

I would be nice to skip that step: just create a PFG and store the submitted data into a content-type.

datakurre commented 12 years ago

Thanks. I understand the need, but personally I have only time to fix issues with the current adapter. Let's keep the request open, though, if someone is interested and would like to contribute to this.

Of course, you could also try

It allows you to create Archetype-based content directly from a PFG form and attach a custom workflow for it using a placeful workflow policy. The limitation is that you cannot move the content away from its container within the PFG form.