datalab-dev / quintessence_analysis

All the scripts we use for analysis
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Data Management Rework #5

Closed avkoehl closed 4 years ago

avkoehl commented 4 years ago
avkoehl commented 4 years ago

Tables on ds

quintessence_corpus (phase 1 only)

EEBO_Models (phase 1 only)

avkoehl commented 4 years ago

Tables on datasci

quintessence (mixed)

quintessence_corpus (phase 1 and 2)


avkoehl commented 4 years ago

My conclusions, correct me if I am wrong with any of this @cnagda.

cnagda commented 4 years ago

@avkoehl The embeddings tables, timeseries table, topic model tables, tfidf table are updated on EEBO_Models on datasci (meaning they have phase1+2). Otherwise that all sounds right. Also just noticed I never made the topic_proportions table, is there code for that somewhere?

avkoehl commented 4 years ago

That's great news! Okay so all that remains to to update the topic_proportions. I will raise an issue #6

avkoehl commented 4 years ago

So as part of this issue I will merge quintessence and quintessence_corpus on datasci. And delete dtm_tfidf and EEBO_metadata tables from ds.

avkoehl commented 4 years ago

So as part of this issue I will merge quintessence and quintessence_corpus on datasci. And delete dtm_tfidf and EEBO_metadata tables from ds.

the two tables were deleted from digitalscholars EEBO_Models database.

moving Authors, Keywords, Languages, Metadata from quintessence to quintessence_corpus on datasci using this syntax alter table my_old_db.mytable rename my_new_db.mytable

alter table quintessence.Authors rename quintessence_corpus.Authors
alter table quintessence.Keywords rename quintessence_corpus.Keywords
alter table quintessence.Languages rename quintessence_corpus.Languages
alter table quintessence.Metadata rename quintessence_corpus.Metadata

Then had to drop schema quintessence. and manually deleted any files in /data/mysql/quintesssence

avkoehl commented 4 years ago

grant access to digitalscholars on datasci mysql

First got the ip address of digitalscholars. Then on datasci mysql from command line:

GRANT ALL ON quintessence_corpus.* TO digitalscholars@'' IDENTIFIED BY "P@55word";
GRANT ALL ON EEBO_Models.* TO digitalscholars@'' IDENTIFIED BY "P@55word";