GitHub would not know. I didn't check but I would assume that OSF and/or GIN might provide this metadata in the listing. As we now already have Last-Modified, we would update records anyways so if size is also available, let's add it as well.
Use case which inspired this: I wanted a small'ish and recent'ish OSF datalad dataset to try on. Now need to go through few one at a time (for now just spend half hour troubleshooting why first one didn't clone at all ;-) )
Can you link to a GIN repository with git-annexed files for which we can easily judge if the size reported by GIN includes the git-annexed content? (I assume this concern is why you're excluding GitHub.)
GitHub would not know. I didn't check but I would assume that OSF and/or GIN might provide this metadata in the listing. As we now already have Last-Modified, we would update records anyways so if size is also available, let's add it as well.
Use case which inspired this: I wanted a small'ish and recent'ish OSF datalad dataset to try on. Now need to go through few one at a time (for now just spend half hour troubleshooting why first one didn't clone at all ;-) )