datalad / git-annex

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some missing step to make client (openmind) reported? #155

Closed yarikoptic closed 1 year ago

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago lists a number of builds for openmind but we neither have badge in nor in here.

I think I followed to its entirety, so there might be a step still missing being listed there or some automation did not kick in?

jwodder commented 1 year ago

@yarikoptic The fact that there are build-openmind7-* branches there but no result-openmind7-* branches indicates that the job isn't running properly on the client system (or that no job has completed on the client yet). What exactly did you mention seeing here?

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

gotcha -- I just misunderstood workflow a little, reopened #154 , will finish setting up openmind (head node is overloaded, everything takes time so I keep loosing patience/switching to another task, apparently never finished setting up conda env for it ;-) )

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

well, now we have bunch of result-openmind7- branches on but openmind7 is still not reported.

jwodder commented 1 year ago

@yarikoptic The only result-openmind7-* branches I see listed there are the two whose "Process result" job failed due to multiple jobs trying to push to the master branch at the same time. There have been several successfully-processed & deleted result-openmind7-* branches already, and I've seen them reported in the daily e-mail.

By "still not reported", do you simply mean that the badges aren't shown in the README? That requires manual editing.

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

right -- I meant README, I forgot that it is not automagically generated/updated. Please update it accordingly and add to clients/ the necessity for that step.

as for failed "process result". I guess we need to do in a loop with some git merge or there would be conflicts and thus we better just discard some or what should we do?

jwodder commented 1 year ago

@yarikoptic The "Process results" step that updates the repository is just updating the badge images to show the latest results; thus, if some other job beat us to updating the repository, it's likely that our badges are out of date and we should not bother retrying.

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

let's consider this resolved by .