datalad / git-annex

A non-official clone of git-annex established for DataLad purposes. No PRs will be merged, but could be used to test perspective git-annex patches. Official git-annex repository:
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Exclude VCS files et al. from Debian source package; explicitly declare Debian source format version #197

Closed jwodder closed 5 months ago

jwodder commented 5 months ago

This PR adds a patch to git-annex that does the following:

@yarikoptic Once we confirm this works properly, we should submit this patch upstream to @joeyh.

yarikoptic commented 5 months ago

I have disabled actions for now: image

yarikoptic commented 5 months ago

Merging for now as is since works and would mitigate immediate security hazard.

joeyh commented 5 months ago

If i recall correctly, usually when one is building a debian source package from a git repository, it's typical to use dpkg-buildpackage -I, which excludes the .git directory.

Still it might be a reasonable belt and suspenders thing to ignore .git in debian/source/options

I am much more doubtful about putting ignores specific to some github CI thing in there, because I don't use it, don't know how I would maintain it, and don't want to be on the hook for maintaining similar things for any other similar CI system that might be used.

Is the ignore of "clients" and "patches" to do with github CI or part of your build process?

Have you considered an alternative of creating a clean tree with only the files from git and building in there? eg

git archive --format=tar --prefix=builddir/ HEAD | tar x
cd builddir

(Note for my future reference, see email with message-id Zcun7-vjJ5R1zEvO@bilena for context not mentioned in this bug report.)

jwodder commented 5 months ago

@joeyh .github/, clients/, and patches/ are directories from this repo's master branch that are checked out during the datalad/git-annex build, as they contain scripts and other resources needed for the build.

Also, I don't believe building inside a untarred git archive would work, as the build process needs to get the current git-annex source commit from git's HEAD.