datalayer-examples / jupyter-nextjs-example

🪐 ⚛️ Jupyter Next.js example.
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Running a cell doesn't do anything #3

Open davidgomes opened 1 month ago

davidgomes commented 1 month ago

I have cloned the repo and ran npm install and npm run dev but once the demo launches, running cells doesn't actually work (as per the attached video). No errors are printed in the console.

(I also had to run npm install raw-loader otherwise I get:

<w> [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy] Caching failed for pack: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, rename '/Users/david/src/jupyter-nextjs-example/.next/cache/webpack/client-development-fallback/0.pack.gz_' -> '/Users/david/src/jupyter-nextjs-example/.next/cache/webpack/client-development-fallback/0.pack.gz'
 ⨯ ./node_modules/@datalayer/jupyter-react/lib/jupyter/lab/JupyterLabCss.js:48:1
Module not found: Can't resolve 'raw-loader'


davidgomes commented 1 month ago

One very easy way to reproduce this is by just using GitHub Codespaces.

yarn install
yarn add raw-loader
yarn dev

And then opening the demo.

davidgomes commented 1 month ago

I also tried and I get exactly the same outcome.

And I can reproduce both on Firefox or Chrome.

davidgomes commented 1 month ago

The only workaround I've found is pinning these dependencies backwards by 1 version each:

    "@datalayer/icons-react": "0.2.5",
    "@datalayer/jupyter-react": "0.9.8",
    "@datalayer/primer-addons": "0.2.3",
echarles commented 1 month ago

thx for reporting. raw-loader is needed indeed due to - I will add it in this repo and in the example tomorrow.

For the cell which does not run, I can not reproduce on my local env. It work with both the shift-enter in the cell, and via the left side menu.

I clearly see in your video the message "Requesting cell execution with cell executor" - I have never seen that... I will have a deeper look tomorrow.

davidgomes commented 1 month ago

@echarles when I first cloned this repo it worked for me as well. But then it stopped working. There’s something going on with dependency versions. I’d say the best surefire way to reproduce is by using GitHub Codespaces. You get a free fresh isolated environment there and it reproduces there.

echarles commented 1 month ago

Just pushed to add raw-loader and change the server url as per

Tried also with codespace, but it uses yarn 1 which will not work, it needs yarn 3 (see - this is a requirement from jupyterlab. npm has shown some success at some point, but we need to work more on that.

Trying now with a codesandbox.

Screenshot from 2024-05-13 07-51-17

echarles commented 1 month ago

@davidgomes I have created - Build and run work fine with npm. The cell execution works on that codesanbox for me.

echarles commented 1 month ago

Sorry, the correct link is

davidgomes commented 1 month ago

Interesting @echarles, if you can't reproduce feel free to close this issue. I'll just stick with an older version of these packages for now.

echarles commented 1 month ago

Let's leave this open. It may be that you have a specific in your setup. Sticking to older versions in not good in the long term. Have you made changes to the code? Does you jupyter server/lab work fine?

davidgomes commented 1 month ago

Sorry I won't be able to test again for a while.

vipulsharma144 commented 4 days ago


I was facing the same issue in 0.10.0 .It works after downgrading jupyter-react to 0.9.8 .Thanks @davidgomes @echarles