datalayer / helm-charts

Ξ Helm charts for the Datalayer services.
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Support `cephable` Node Roles #53

Open echarles opened 1 month ago

echarles commented 1 month ago

Ensure the needed csi... drivers for ceph are installed on the correct nodes that need them (not only the ceph nodes, but also the nodes that need to mount them.

This section in the ceph operator (aka rook operator) helm chart needs to be tuned to implement that requirement.

  # -- Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CSI provisioner deployment
  #    - key: key
  #      operator: Exists
  #      effect: NoSchedule

  # -- The node labels for affinity of the CSI provisioner deployment [^1]
  provisionerNodeAffinity: #key1=value1,value2; key2=value3
  # Set pluginTolerations and pluginNodeAffinity for plugin daemonset pods.
  # The CSI plugins need to be started on all the nodes where the clients need to mount the storage.

  # -- Array of tolerations in YAML format which will be added to CephCSI plugin DaemonSet
  #    - key: key
  #      operator: Exists
  #      effect: NoSchedule

  # -- The node labels for affinity of the CephCSI RBD plugin DaemonSet [^1]
  pluginNodeAffinity: # key1=value1,value2; key2=value3