datalust / seq-tickets

Issues, design discussions and feature roadmap for the Seq log server
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Keyboard shortcuts and command palette #2309

Open nblumhardt opened 2 days ago

nblumhardt commented 2 days ago

In 2025.1 we're adding a VSCode-style command palette that will provide quick access to screens/navigation, contextual actions in the current screen, and keyboard shortcut information:


The command palette can be pulled up with Ctrl + Space, or by clicking in the box in the middle of the top navigation bar:


Initially, we'll set a few top-level keyboard shortcuts for common actions, such as Ctrl + / to focus on the search box, and Ctrl + Shift + F to focus on the current screen's first Find box, if present.

Additional commands will be accessed through sequences starting with Ctrl + Backtick, so for example on the Events screen Ctrl + Backtick then immediately C will cause all active signals, filters, date ranges, and so on to be cleared.

We don't expect keyboard shortcuts to be editable in the first version.