datamachines / cuda_tensorflow_opencv

DockerFile with GPU support for TensorFlow and OpenCV
Apache License 2.0
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Problem with jetsonnano-cuda_tensorflow_opencv:10.0_2.1.0_4.3.0-20200515 #5

Closed stvogel closed 4 years ago

stvogel commented 4 years ago

Thanks for providing these docker-images. I hoped getting around compiling opencv ;-) I used the docker image jetsonnano-cuda_tensorflow_opencv:10.0_2.1.0_4.3.0-20200515

But when doing import cv2 in python3.6 I get the error not found. I assume the base-nvidia docker has upgraded to jetpack 4.4 which uses cuda 10.2 (instead of jetpack 4.3 which uses cuda 10.0)

Might I be right? Is the solution to use another base-container in Makefile/Dockerfile: instead of resp

I cannot figure out what to use instead as the nvcr-catalog is ... well I cannot find anything there :-(

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

stvogel commented 4 years ago

So I dug deeper into this and I saw that the cmake for opencv did not create a Makefile due to errors. I got the somehow famous error about #include <sys/videoio.h> no such file and all solutions found on the internet didn't work out. I just set CTO_CUDA_BUILD to an empty string in the Makefile, so opencv is not build with CUDA and than everything runs fine. Thanks for making and sharing this repo.