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Evaluate GitHub Actions as a replacement for Travis CI #36

Closed jeancochrane closed 3 years ago

jeancochrane commented 5 years ago

I just got beta access to GitHub Actions, a repo automation service that includes (among other things) native CI/CD.

We've been thinking about alternatives to Travis for some time now, considering that the financial health of the parent company isn't great. GitHub Actions is a strong contender because it would remove an integration layer between source control and CI/CD.

Set up a GitHub Actions pipeline for testing and deployment on and evaluate its feasibility for DataMade projects. Relevant questions include:

jeancochrane commented 5 years ago

I'm feeling really good about Actions after a couple hours of testing it on pytest-flask-sqlalchemy. You can see my commit that uses it for CI here:

Based on my pilot project, Actions seems to give us nearly all of the most important features of Travis at a much lower price point and with native support on our source control platform. Once Actions becomes generally available on November 13, I'll be ready to put together a formal recommendation of adoption.

Below are some considerations based on my pilot project.


If we narrowly consider CI, GitHub Actions offers all of the essential features that Travis offers. But since Actions is an event-driven code runner, and not simply a CI platform, it's a great deal more flexible than Travis is. Actions can run our tests, but it can also run cron tasks, scrapers, or any other code that would make sense to run periodically from our repo. Further, it can compose these operations in any order that makes sense to us.

One particularly nice feature of Actions is first-class support for containers. Actions can be defined as containers, meaning they can be composed with one another. You can also define additional services that the workflow requires in a simplified Docker Compose syntax, and Actions will wire up an internal network and expose the containers to one another. There's also native support for docker-compose workflows, which we could use to test our containerized apps.

The fact that jobs can specify hierarchical dependencies between one another, coupled with the ability to run jobs on a schedule, also makes Actions a potential solution for scrapers. I didn't consider this use-case very deeply as part of this R&D, however.


Whereas Travis prices per number of concurrent jobs and gives you unlimited build minutes within those jobs, GitHub actions gives you 20 concurrent jobs per repository and prices per build minute. While at a certain scale this might make Actions more restrictive than Travis, the Free tier gives you 2,000 build minutes per month on private repos; according to our Travis Insights, we used about 400 build minutes last month between all our repos, including public repos and dedupeio repos. Based on these rough numbers, this means that we would essentially get CI for free.


Integrations with Actions don't seem as robust as Travis, which is probably to be expected from a Beta service. Most notably, Actions offers email notifications out of the box, but doesn't offer a first-class Slack notification.

However, since Actions can be composed from any other Action, and since Actions can also run arbitrary code in the form of Dockerfiles, an Action can in fact integrate with any service that has an API; it just won't be as straightforward as it is on Travis. Note that there are already a number of community-built Actions for e.g. sending Slack notifications based on Workflow results (e.g. We could either build on one of these, maintain our own solution, or (more likely) wait until GitHub inevitably releases an officially-supported Slack integration.

A lack of integration with CodeDeploy is also a major concern. We could use to send messages to the CodeDeploy API directly, but it would likely require further research to iron out the details. Note that this lack of integration will not be a problem with Heroku, since Heroku integrates directly with GitHub to determine whether CI passed before running builds.

hancush commented 5 years ago

tabled until actions become generally available nov. 13. @jeancochrane will draft recommendation of adoption then.


jeancochrane commented 4 years ago

Actions are becoming generally available next week, so I'm going to pick this up again during November. Adding it back to the Backlog.

jeancochrane commented 4 years ago

@fgregg recommends moving this to next quarter, when the service will have stabilized and there will be a community around it.

aszebla commented 4 years ago

We also decided to move our applications to GitHub Actions to save some money. We described the migration process from Travis and comparison of both tools in this article, so if you are interested here you can read it:

jeancochrane commented 4 years ago

Thanks @aszebla, this is helpful!

jeancochrane commented 4 years ago

I did a little bit more evaluation today in the context of and

The big lesson is that running Actions with CodeDeploy is going to require a custom integration that I don't want to write or maintain. Because of this, I decided not to configure Actions on document-search, which is deployed on EC2.

However, I set up Actions on mn-election-archive in and it was a breeze working with a Heroku app. I really like the simplicity of Actions as a test runner and the easy integration with Docker is a relief.

As a result of these tests, I would recommend that we only adopt GitHub Actions for apps deployed on Heroku (or Netlify). That would mean we would continue to support Travis for our legacy apps, and could phase out our use of it over time as we move more and more of our apps to Heroku. How does that sound to you @hancush? If it sounds good, I can draft up a recommendation along with some documentation on setting up CI with Actions.

hancush commented 4 years ago

I agree that maintaining a custom integration is a dealbreaker for CodeDeploy. This sounds like a reasonable recommendation to me! We may want to revisit the CodeDeploy question in six months – it doesn't seem like an uncommon problem, so maybe someone else will have written an integration by then.

hancush commented 3 years ago

It looks like at least a couple of GA integrations with CodeDeploy have emerged:

Our legacy Travis builds are glacial over in LA Metro, so I'd like to spend a day seeing if I can use one of these integrations to transition builds and deployments to GitHub Actions.

hancush commented 3 years ago

I'm going to move forward with The next step is to store our developer IAM credentials as encrypted secrets accessible by GitHub Actions. I'll start by defining them on the Metro repo. If we decide we like this approach, we should store them at the organization level and authenticate repos that need them. N.b., only admins can set organization secrets.

fgregg commented 3 years ago

here's a recipe for CI of a django app that needs postgres.

fgregg commented 3 years ago

@hancush for a project for the courts project, I needed to set up a code deploy pathway using gitlab.

the pattern i used was to package the assets in gitlab's CI and push them to specific s3 bucket. a code deploy instance was setup to listen to that s3 bucket and do the deployments from there

maybe there's an even nicer way now, but that's at least one pathway.

fgregg commented 3 years ago

actually looks pretty nice!

hancush commented 3 years ago

I wired this up for LA Metro and tested a staging deployment from my branch in this build.

Screen Shot 2020-12-03 at 2 03 03 PM

The only downside is that running containerized tests takes about 5 minutes (with Docker layer caching, vs. about 6.5 without), while Travis builds ran in about 2:15. This still represents an improvement, because queue and boot times for Travis VMs were the real killer, lately amounting to an hour or more between build request and build run.

The other thing to note is that the CodeDeploy integration does not support deployments from tags, however this could be a positive change, as it would mean consistency with our Heroku practice of production deployments from a persistent deploy branch.

What do you think, @fgregg?

fgregg commented 3 years ago

i like having tagged releases as it makes clear what was deployed, but i suppose we have that in our deployment logs on AWS. I can let that go.

as for build speed, the "services" patter I used for django-councilmatic is pretty fast.

hancush commented 3 years ago

Update GitHub Actions docs with guidance on legacy apps: Use Action, plus services pattern (above).

hancush commented 3 years ago

N.b., there is a tricky bug in the CodeDeploy integration that I think has been resolved but not yet rolled into a release.

Should hold off on additional migrations to this pattern until a new release is cut.

hancush commented 3 years ago

Update: You can pin GitHub Actions to a particular commit, so I updated Metro to reference the latest CodeDeploy action commit, which fixes the tricky bug in question. Deployments are back on track:

mpdude commented 3 years ago

πŸ‘‹πŸΌ I'm one of the authors of I am really glad you found, evaluated and liked that action!

I've just released a v0.2.2 version that hopefully includes the fix you've been waiting for.

As a disclaimer: We've written the action for our own purposes, but have only used it in very limited test scenarios so far. But once we have built a bit more confidence that it works smoothly and especially that the team can handle continuous deployments without too much stress, we plan to roll it out to about 50 projects next year.

hancush commented 3 years ago

Once recommendation comes in, make a list of private repos to transition away from Travis so we can stop paying them.

hancush commented 3 years ago

Make list of private repos under DataMade and dedupeio organizations and disable Travis (inactive projects) or migrate to GH Actions (active projects).

fgregg commented 3 years ago

made issue here @hancush

hancush commented 3 years ago

Thank you kindly, @fgregg! Closing the book on this one.