datamade / usaddress

:us: a python library for parsing unstructured United States address strings into address components
MIT License
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UNCERTAIN LABEL: StreetName #284

Open LeylaMova opened 4 years ago

LeylaMova commented 4 years ago

usaddress.tag('200 JOHN W HOOVER PKWY BLDG 1')

mortgagemetrix commented 4 years ago

You're getting this because the parser is uncertain if the "W" is part of the name or the directional "West". Try using the tag_mapping option. Check out tag_mapping at With the tag maps used in the example, you'd get the following parsed address: (OrderedDict([('address1', '200 JOHN W HOOVER PKWY'), ('address2', 'BLDG 1')]), 'Street Address')