datamapper / dm-oracle-adapter

Oracle Adapter for DataMapper
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Model.get(id) is not working #2

Closed tiagomelo closed 13 years ago

tiagomelo commented 13 years ago


I'm using DataMapper and dm-oracle-adapter. I have a table at Oracle like this:

 ID_ICON              NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 ICON_PT              VARCHAR2(200)
 STATUS                NUMBER(1)
ID_ICON is the Primary Key. So, I have a model like this:

class Icon

  include DataMapper::Resource

  storage_names[:default] = "icon"

  property :id, Serial, :field => 'id_icon'

  property :icon_pt, String
  property :icon_es, String
  property :icon_en, String
  property :status, Integer


Supose that I have a registry at this table with ID 1. When I try to find it, like this:
@icon = Icon.get(1)
It simply can't find that record! But the record is there:

 => [#<Icon @id=1 @icon_pt="a" @icon_es="b" @icon_en="c" @status=2>] 
This is the query that the server is doing:
SQL (3.920ms)  SELECT "ID_ICON", "ICON_PT", "ICON_ES", "ICON_EN", "STATUS" FROM "ICON" WHERE ("ID_ICON" = :1) AND rownum <= :2
What Am I missing? Thank you in advance.
snusnu commented 13 years ago

Not being familiar with oracle, this is just a guess: Have you tried specifying the key property not as a Serial (that assumes an autogenerated value) but as an Integer?

property :id, Integer, :key => true

The query it generated seems really weird to me btw ...

tiagomelo commented 13 years ago

Well, I've tried exactly the way you said and I'm still not able to get that record =/

2011/3/30 snusnu <>

Not being familiar with oracle, this is just a guess: Have you tried specifying the key property not as a Serial (that assumes an autogenerated value) but as an Integer?

property :id, Integer, :key => true

The query it generated seems really weird to me btw ...

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Tiago Melo Desenvolvedor de Software Twitter:

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi

tiagomelo commented 13 years ago

Well, I've created a test table with a sequence and a trigger to autoincrement it's primary key (that's the way to have "autoincrement" working at Oracle).

Creating the table:

create table test(id number primary key, name varchar2(30));
Next, creating the sequence:

CREATE SEQUENCE test_sequence
Finally, creating the trigger:

create or replace trigger test_trigger
before insert
on test
referencing new as new
for each row
  select test_sequence.nextval into from dual;
So, I've created the model class:

class TestTable
  include DataMapper::Resource
  storage_names[:default] = 'test'
  property :id, Serial # I'm using "Serial" here since this field is autoincremented by trigger
  property :name, String
Now, trying to play with it at Rails Console:

$ rails c
:001 > TestTable.all
 => [] 
:002 > TestTable.create(:name => "Iron Maiden")
 => #<TestTable @id=1 @name="Iron Maiden">
:003 > TestTable.get(1)
 => nil
Any clue??
tiagomelo commented 13 years ago

OK, I've figure out. It should be a bug at version 1.1.0.

Turns out that I had to come back to version 1.0.0 of all DM's gems:

At GemFile:

DM_VERSION = '~> 1.0.0'

# DataMapper related gems

gem 'dm-rails', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-migrations', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-types', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-validations', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-constraints', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-transactions', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-aggregates', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-timestamps', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-observer', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-core', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-do-adapter', DM_VERSION
gem 'dm-active_model', DM_VERSION
Everything is working.
myabc commented 13 years ago

I can confirm I am able to reproduce this bug (and its affecting an app that needs to go into production soon).

Model.first(:id => id_val) ist a workaround, of course.

Looks like an issue with sequences / rownum, although I need to investigate further to see exactly what's happening.

Bence commented 13 years ago

I can confirm this bug: I can reliably reproduce on our production environment. Model.first(:id => id_val) retrieves the record, while Model.get(id_val) doesn't.

myabc commented 13 years ago

A quick and very dirty workaround is to monkey-patch to remove/comment out 4 lines from `lib/dm-oracle-adapter/adapter.rb (lines 148-151):

          #if use_simple_rownum_limit
          #  statement << " AND rownum <= ?"
          #  bind_values << limit

This works for me. I haven't yet worked on a more robust solution. I would need to consult with @rsim about what the implications are removing this logic would be.

myabc commented 13 years ago

/cc @pietia Any thoughts on this?

pietia commented 13 years ago

I can confirm that works (Alex's solution) but haven't digged into this problem.

myabc commented 13 years ago

@tiagomelo @Bence can you provide me with the version of data_objects/ do_oracle you are using? JRuby or MRI?

Bence commented 13 years ago

Thanks for the workaround!

I'm on MRI with data_objects/do_oracle v0.10.6.

tillsc commented 13 years ago

I can confirm this and I've fixed it in #8.

tillsc commented 13 years ago

This should be done with #8 so it can be closed now