datamapper / do

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unable to reference the gems using git path #27

Open patcheng opened 12 years ago

patcheng commented 12 years ago

I have a Gemfile:

source :gemcutter

git 'git://' do gem 'do_jdbc' end

Running bundle install, I got:

$ bundle install Using addressable (2.2.7) Using data_objects (0.10.8) Using do_jdbc (0.10.8) from git:// (at master) do_jdbc at /Users/pcheng/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.6.6@gemset/bundler/gems/do-8a539150a617/do_jdbc did not have a valid gemspec. This prevents bundler from installing bins or native extensions, but that may not affect its functionality. The validation message from Rubygems was: ["lib/do_jdbc_internal.jar"] are not files

Using bundler (1.0.22)

myabc commented 12 years ago

JRuby drivers cannot currently be installed using Bundler from source. This may be something we can look at supporting in the future.

What is your reason for using a git dependency here? Or were you trying to use your fork?

patcheng commented 12 years ago

When I was testing my changes, I had issue getting some of the data mapper gems from rubygems. I didn't investigate too much. I just build everything locally.

So, it's partially to use my own fork. But partial to side-step the issue of trying to figure out why I has issues with some other gems.

I was hoping I can avoid build my own gems and have my own gem server.