Hi bro thank perfect app ..
lang HEB not in the list , if you can add . perfect .
# Ausgangslage
Als Lokpersonal oder Beobachter möchte ich Netzwechsel sehen, damit ich die Erreichbarkeit sicherstellen kann.
# Weiterführende Links
Figma Link: https://www.figma.com/design/b4EUS…
Currently, it is set in `consensus_program_prover_job.rs` / `prove_worker` only taking into account the cycle count. In the general case, other table heights might exceed this number.
Code의 how to make tar.gz 부분에서는 Makefile이 포함 되어 있고, 2024_DS_Project2_v5에서는 확장자가 .cpp, .h, .pdf 이외의 파일을 제출하면 감점이라고 되어있는데 Makefile은 같이 압축하면 되나요? 아니면 하면 안되나요?
## Description
The `test_false_negatives` test in the `vulnerability_scanner` module is failing because some expected log lines are not found during the scan execution. This leads to multiple asserti…
It would be good to add a license to this repo seeing as it's available publicly, as by default I assume I don't have permission to make any contributions.
In [`5935d4b`](https://github.com/malang-dev/upptime/commit/5935d4b6687a90cad9d296c42d04cd2ccf8683ff
), Jakarta - hostdata.id ($SITES_SERVER_ID) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
### Before submitting your bug report, please confirm you have completed the following steps
- [X] Searched the issue is not already listed in the [Issue List](https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksil…
xeno executor loader dll not loaded bro why?