datamintsGmbH / datamints_locallang_builder

Offers developers and editors a backend module for creating, changing and translating language files for your extensions. Significant improvement of the workflow by using an independent translation provider such as Azure, DeepL or Google Translate.
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Wrong table names #1

Closed opi99 closed 3 years ago

opi99 commented 3 years ago

The tableprefix was somewhere changed now ext_tables.sql have tx_datamintslocallangbuilder_domain_model_extension but the code uses tx_locallangbuilder_domain_model_extension

So opening lists mode leads to the error Table 'vagrant.tx_locallangbuilder_domain_model_extension' doesn't exist

opi99 commented 3 years ago

TYPO3: 9.5.26 Extensionversion: 1.0.5

weisgerberm commented 3 years ago

@opi99 Thank you. Please upgrade to Extension-Version 1.0.8. There should be no old tablenames like "tx_locallangbuilder". Maybe you have to clear your system cache after upgrading.