datanucleus / datanucleus-rdbms

DataNucleus support for persistence to RDBMS Datastores
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PostgreSQL : Support Enum persisted as datastore enum #28

Open andyjefferson opened 8 years ago

andyjefferson commented 8 years ago

Support persisting of Java enums as database enums.

PostgreSQL: MySQL:

Not supported by all DB's though. Firebird, H2, SQLServer, Oracle for example do not have enums.

The preferred handling is to use a CHECK constraint on a VARCHAR column, as per and DataNucleus already supports those via the following extension "enum-check-constraint" specified on the ColumnMetaData.

andyjefferson commented 6 years ago

For PostgreSQL this would be CREATE TYPE my_gender AS ENUM ('Male','Female') Create a table using this type, like this CREATE TABLE PERSON (ID INT NOT NULL, GENDER my_gender NOT NULL); Insert into the table INSERT INTO PERSON (ID, GENDER) VALUES (1, 'Male');

To implement this we need to be able to annotate an Enum with something like

public enum Gender

and then at schema generation time it would need to look at the Enum and see the type name and issue CREATE TYPE my_gender AS ENUM ('MALE', 'FEMALE') and subsequently any usage of that Enum needs to use 'my_gender' SQL type.

For the sake of completeness, for MySQL this would be

    size ENUM('x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large')

and insert would be INSERT INTO MY_TABLE (... , size) VALUES (... ,'large'), (... ,'medium'), (... ,'small'); BUT that is effectively the same as using ANSI standard "CHECK IN (...)" so we will not support it there, just for PostgreSQL.