datapimp / code_sync

Live reload and code editing tools for the asset pipeline
MIT License
9 stars 3 forks source link

Developer side process architecture #1

Closed datapimp closed 11 years ago

datapimp commented 11 years ago

I need to find a better way of accomplishing the task of providing a command line wrapper around several blocking operations. It is probably a fundamental problem and am open to revisiting the architecture.

My current "solution" is to run the codesync start command from inside of the root of the project I am working on.

There is a "server" process which loads:

Then there is a file system "watcher", which is based on the listen gem. This watches for changes to the asset pipeline assets, processes them through sprockets.

The watcher creates a Faye::Client, which publishes change data to the Faye::Server that is mounted through thin.

Then there is a "listener" which is a Faye::Client which subscribes to a channel that receives messages from the browser client, and will need to interact with the running Sprockets environment.

datapimp commented 11 years ago
# In order to support the live-editing and immediate preview of
# of precompiled assets in the browser or in the developers IDE
# we need a background process that can integrate the file system
# watcher, sprockets compiler environment, and rack process server.
module CodeSync
  class Manager

    def self.start options={}


      def initialize options={}
        # we want to watch for changes to asset pipeline assets
        # from within the project we're running the codesync command from
        create_project_root_file_watcher(root: options[:root])

        # we want to match the sprockets environment that would be
        # available to this rails, or middleman project.  this means
        # re-using the asset pipeline gems it has available, and having
        # the same source paths

        # we want a webserver that can provide the faye client javascript
        # and serve as a connection endpoint for faye pub/sub. this server
        # should also provide HTTP access to the sprockets environment.

        # whenever a file changes, we should compile it and send the data over
        # the pubsub.  the client should have the option of viewing both precompiled /
        # and compiled code, and a save in either the developers IDE or in the in-browser
        # code sync editor.

        # allow the in-editor browser to edit precompiled assets and save the changes they
        # make to them to the file system.

      def method_missing meth, *args, &block
        puts "Need to implement #{ meth }"