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Deck templates, badges, guidelines for event promotion #29

Open suxstellino opened 3 years ago

suxstellino commented 3 years ago

We should provide a repository with the resources for:

I've organized and promoted an event with videos and it's been so good marketing side. Just an idea:

This is the reason why I would suggest a guideline doc.

SQLDBAWithABeard commented 3 years ago

This is an awesome suggestion - How can we add that to this repo for others to use?

suxstellino commented 3 years ago

We can create another repo which is called "*-resources". In our community we have:

  1. For the generated website (Hugo)
  2. For the website source (posts/articles)
  3. For the assets (resources)

The brand-assets repo is accessible to whomever requires to generate stuff for the site and for videos, like interviews

spaghettidba commented 3 years ago

I like the idea, but would somehow prefer to have everything in a single repo. Do you think that's possible?

gavincampbell commented 3 years ago

Weren't deck templates a big source of complaints about the PASS setup?

suxstellino commented 3 years ago

I like the idea, but would somehow prefer to have everything in a single repo. Do you think that's possible?

Yes, up to us 😉. It could be just a subfolder with its own wiki/readme.

suxstellino commented 3 years ago

Weren't deck templates a big source of complaints about the PASS setup?

If you design a good template to work with (i.e. more than one resolution supported, good color balances, just opening and closing slides, and so on) I think it could be useful. We can store any template, like one per edition/city also.

amtwo commented 3 years ago

I just submitted a PR (#44) to create a directory within this repo for branding/marketing bits, and included the start of a "brand book" that we can use to list what colors, fonts, and logos to use, and when. Essentially--a thing so I don't have to parse CSS to find these details from the website. 😁

I'm going to propose that this gets split into a series of smaller issues. Each of these marketing/branding items is really a separate item to tackle--admittedly with interdependencies & prerequisites among them. Also, different items come with different priority. Finalizing the base brand identity (Colors, fonts, logo) should probably come early enough to keep other items consistent, rather than everyone going their own way & having to update 1000 small items later.

spaghettidba commented 3 years ago

I literally grabbed a semi-random bootstrap template from a template gallery and generated a logo with a logo generator. This should not be taken as a complete or definitive design. I suck at design