dataplat / dbatools

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Replace the word "Old" with "Previous" in output #4540

Closed potatoqualitee closed 6 years ago

potatoqualitee commented 6 years ago

old is harrible

potatoqualitee commented 6 years ago
functions\Add-DbaComputerCertificate.ps1:5:        Adds a computer certificate - useful for older systems.
functions\Copy-DbaDatabase.ps1:725:                Stop-Function -Message "Error: copy database cannot be made from newer $($sourceServer.VersionString) to older $($destServer.VersionString) SQL Server version."
functions\Copy-DbaLogin.ps1:121:        Copies OldUser and then renames it to newlogin.
functions\Copy-DbaResourceGovernor.ps1:186:                                    $copyResourceGovClassifierFunc.Notes = "The old classifier function has been overwritten."
functions\Copy-DbaSysDbUserObject.ps1:24:        Perform the migration the old way
functions\Find-DbaBackup.ps1:57:        Searches for all trn files in C:\MSSQL\SQL Backup\ and all subdirectories that are more than 48 hours old will be included.
functions\Find-DbaBackup.ps1:62:        Searches for all bak files in C:\MSSQL\Backup\ and all subdirectories that are more than 7 days old will be included, but only if the files have been backed up to another location as
verified by checking the Archive bit.
functions\Format-DbaBackupInformation.ps1:47:        If set, will replace the old database name with the new name if it occurs in the file name
functions\Format-DbaBackupInformation.ps1:84:        In this example any occurrence of OldDb will be replaced with NewDb and ProdHr with DevPR
functions\Get-DbaAgentLog.ps1:16:        An Int32 value that specifies the index number of the error log required. Error logs are listed 0 through 9 where 0 is the current error log and 9 is the oldest.
functions\Get-DbaCmObject.ps1:139:            # Flags-Enumerations cannot be added in PowerShell 4 or older.
functions\Get-DbaErrorLog.ps1:17:        Error logs are listed 0 through 99, where 0 is the current error log and 99 is potential oldest log file.
functions\Get-DbaPbmStore.ps1:67:                # DMF is the Declarative Management Framework, Policy Based Management's old name
functions\Invoke-DbatoolsRenameHelper.ps1:4:        Older dbatools command names have been changed. This script helps keep up.
functions\Invoke-DbatoolsRenameHelper.ps1:7:        Older dbatools command names have been changed. This script helps keep up.
functions\Invoke-DbatoolsRenameHelper.ps1:50:        Checks to see if any ps1 file in C:\temp\ps matches an old command name.
functions\New-DbaLogin.ps1:97:        PS C:\> Get-DbaLogin -SqlInstance sql1 -Login Oldlogin | New-DbaLogin -SqlInstance sql1 -LoginRenameHashtable @{Oldlogin = 'Newlogin'} -Force -NewSid -Disabled:$false
functions\Remove-DbaBackup.ps1:69:        '*.trn' files in 'C:\MSSQL\SQL Backup\' and all subdirectories that are more than 48 hours old will be removed.
functions\Remove-DbaBackup.ps1:80:        '*.bak' files in 'C:\MSSQL\Backup\' and all subdirectories that are more than 7 days old will be removed, but only if the files have been backed up to another location as verified by
checking the Archive bit.
functions\Remove-DbaBackup.ps1:85:        '*.bak' files in 'C:\MSSQL\Backup\' and all subdirectories that are more than 1 week old will be removed. Any folders left empty will be removed as well.
functions\Remove-DbaDbBackupRestoreHistory.ps1:4:        Reduces the size of the backup and restore history tables by deleting old entries for backup sets.
functions\Remove-DbaDbBackupRestoreHistory.ps1:14:        To periodically remove old data from backup and restore history tables it is recommended to schedule the agent job sp_delete_backuphistory from the
functions\Remove-DbaDbBackupRestoreHistory.ps1:57:        Prompts for confirmation then deletes backup and restore history on SQL Server sql2016 older than 30 days (default period)
functions\Remove-DbaDbBackupRestoreHistory.ps1:61:        Remove backup and restore history on SQL Server sql2016 older than 100 days. Does not prompt for confirmation.
functions\Rename-DbaDatabase.ps1:94:        <DBN><FNN>, plus -ReplaceBefore --> current database name + replace OLD "upper level" names inside the current filename
functions\Rename-DbaLogin.ps1:96:                        OldLogin     = $Login
functions\Rename-DbaLogin.ps1:107:                        OldLogin     = $Login
functions\Rename-DbaLogin.ps1:129:                            OldUser      = $oldname
functions\Rename-DbaLogin.ps1:143:                            OldUser      = $NewLogin
functions\Repair-DbaServerName.ps1:11:        If the automatically determined new name matches the old name, the command will not run.
functions\Repair-DbaServerName.ps1:204:            if ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($, "Performing sp_dropserver to remove the old server name, $oldserverinstancename, then sp_addserver to add $SqlInstancename")) {
functions\Set-DbaMaxDop.ps1:118:        $InputObject | Add-Member -Force -NotePropertyName OldInstanceMaxDopValue -NotePropertyValue 0
functions\Set-DbaMaxDop.ps1:119:        $InputObject | Add-Member -Force -NotePropertyName OldDatabaseMaxDopValue -NotePropertyValue 0
functions\Set-DbaMaxDop.ps1:231:                        OldDatabaseMaxDopValue = $row.OldDatabaseMaxDopValue
functions\Set-DbaMaxDop.ps1:232:                        OldInstanceMaxDopValue = $row.OldInstanceMaxDopValue
functions\Set-DbaMaxDop.ps1:236:                        Select-DefaultView -InputObject $results -Property InstanceName, Database, OldDatabaseMaxDopValue, @{
functions\Set-DbaMaxDop.ps1:242:                        Select-DefaultView -InputObject $results -Property InstanceName, OldInstanceMaxDopValue, CurrentInstanceMaxDop
functions\Set-DbaSpConfigure.ps1:117:                        OldValue     = $currentRunValue
functions\Set-DbaStartupParameter.ps1:379:            Stop-Function -Message "New parameter string would be the same as the old parameter string. Nothing to do." -Target $ParameterString
functions\Set-DbaTcpPort.ps1:112:                    OldPortNumber = $oldport
functions\Set-DbaTcpPort.ps1:121:                    OldPortNumber = $oldport
functions\Set-DbatoolsConfig.ps1:52:        Also, if there already was a non-initialized setting set for a given configuration, it will then try to set the old value again.
functions\Update-DbaServiceAccount.ps1:27:    .PARAMETER OldPassword
functions\Update-DbaServiceAccount.ps1:28:        An old password of the service account. Optional when run under local admin privileges.