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Couldn't connect to Prefect Server at http://localhost:4200/graphql #107

Open jackhawa opened 2 years ago

jackhawa commented 2 years ago

Screenshot from 2022-01-11 21-13-50

Hello, enjoying the MLOps ecosystem. Great work!

I am following the minikube set up and was able to operate mlflow and jupyter hub but could not connect to graphql endpoint from prefect with the error: "Couldn't connect to Prefect Server at http://localhost:4200/graphql"

I have made sure that I am using install_locally=True, aws=False and the graphql site at http:localhost:4200 is up and running.

Screenshot from 2022-01-11 21-40-44

I have also executed this command to forward the graphql 4200 port:

kubectl port-forward -n prefect svc/prefect-server-apollo 4200

But for some reason it is still not connecting.

Any tips to troublehsoot?

jackhawa commented 2 years ago

Here is the list of kubernetes services in case it helps

Screenshot from 2022-01-11 21-42-02

bernardolk commented 2 years ago

Hello there. Does the prefect server graphql pod contain any useful logs? Or even any other prefect pod, for that matter? There isn't much info here to work with yet but I would recommend that you try using the graphql endpoint from a python script using the prefect client just to make sure you can execute graphql queries against it (You can checkout prefect documentation on how to use the prefect client for graphql querying). If you can, then the problem may be with the prefect UI pod. It may be not configured correctly to reach the graphql service.

jackhawa commented 2 years ago

It turns out there is an error in prefect-server-agent.

Screenshot from 2022-01-12 10-27-39

It is trying to connect to /graphql url without any hostname attached to it. I am assuming that is the error. If so I am not sure why it is dropping the hostname http://localhost:4200 since I have added install_locally to my terraform config file.

jackhawa commented 2 years ago

Locally I am able to reach out and query graphql api from a python script.

Screenshot from 2022-01-12 10-57-49

bernardolk commented 2 years ago

Can you check the env vars in the prefect server agent pod?

kubectl describe pod -n prefect prefect-server-agent-<somerandomid>

bernardolk commented 2 years ago

Check if you have PREFECT__CLOUD__API set to something

bernardolk commented 2 years ago

Also, do the same with the UI pod and check the PREFECT_SERVER__APOLLO_URL env var value

jackhawa commented 2 years ago

PREFECT_CLOUD_API is pointing to http://prefect-server-apollo.prefect:4200/graphql PREFECT_SERVER__APOLLO_URL points to http://localhost:4200/graphql

jackhawa commented 2 years ago

Would you have any idea where to go from here? Any tips is appreciate. Thank you in advance.

bernardolk commented 2 years ago

Hmm, these look ok. Considering you can reach the graphql endpoint by port-forwarding, it really should be working. I would recommend you open an issue with prefect, I am out of ideas since the variables look ok :(

jackhawa commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks for your help!