datarhei / core

datarhei Core is management for FFmpeg processes without development effort. Whether your streaming has one viewer or a million, we have the tools to help you develop, deploy and manage any video project at any stage. We've solved the challenging problems so you can focus on your application, not your infrastructure.
Apache License 2.0
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How to restart docker container from a reboot #16

Closed Psilovybin closed 10 months ago

Psilovybin commented 10 months ago

I followed the Wiki for the linux install, when I run the "Install" command, it says that "core" is already used.

I admit, I'm rather new to docker altogether, but based on the install guide command of

docker run --detach --name core --privileged --volume /opt/core/config:/core/config --volume /opt/core/data:/core/data --publish 8080:8080 --publish 8181:8181 --publish 1935:1935 --publish 1936:1936 --publish 6000:6000/udp datarhei/restreamer:latest

How do I get back to that same container without an error. It was working just fine before I rebooted and/or how do I get the container to start back up after a reboot?
