datasets / airport-codes

List of Airport codes, locations and other information around the world
307 stars 93 forks source link

Code: Example Perl program to read the CSV #29

Open dtonhofer opened 6 years ago

dtonhofer commented 6 years ago

This can be included in the project's code base, if interest.


use warnings;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
use strict;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

use Text::CSV; #                                                                                                                                                              
use Carp;      #                                                                                                                                                                          

my $airportsFile = 'airport-codes.csv';                                                                                                                                                                                                      
my $onlyIcao = 1;                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
my $quiet = 1;                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

# >>>>
my $airports = readAirports($airportsFile,$onlyIcao,$quiet);
# <<<<

if (! defined $airports) {
   print STDERR "No result obtained!\n";
else {
   for my $key (sort(keys(%$airports))) {
      my $val = $$airports{$key}; # this is a hashref
      print $$val{ident},"\n"; 
      for my $subkey (sort(keys(%$val))) {
         if ($subkey ne 'ident') {
            print sprintf("%15s = %s\n",$subkey,$$val{$subkey})

# ===
# Read the CSV file of airport records.
# Returns a hashref if all went well, or undef if not!
# ===

sub readAirports {
   my($airportsFile,$onlyIcao,$quiet) = @_;
   my @rows;
   my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { binary => 1 } ) or croak "Cannot use Text::CSV: " . Text::CSV->error_diag();
   my $fh;
   unless (open($fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", $airportsFile)) {
      print STDERR "Could not open file '$airportsFile': $!\n";
      return undef
   print STDERR "Reading airport information from file '$airportsFile'...\n";
   my $count = -1;
   my $headers;
   my $airports = {};
   while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
      if ($count == 0) {
         # first entry consists of headers
         $headers = $row;
      else {
         # transform record into a map of key -> value pairs
         my $airport = {};
         for my $header (@$headers) {
            $$airport{$header} = $$row[0];
            shift @$row;
         my $ident = $$airport{ident}; # "ident" may or may not be ICAO code
         if ($onlyIcao && (!($ident =~ /^[A-Z]{4}$/) || $ident eq 'ZZZZ')) {
            print STDERR "Ident '$ident' is definitely not an ICAO code -- skipping\n" unless $quiet;
         else {
            # retain
            croak "Clash on airport identifier '$ident'" if exists $$airports{$ident};
            my $name = $$airport{name};
            $$airports{$ident} = $airport;
         if ($count % 5000 == 0) {
            print STDERR "$count airports read so far...\n"
   $csv->eof or $csv->error_diag();
   close $fh or carp "Could not close file '$airportsFile: $!";
   print STDERR "$count airports read in total, " . scalar(keys %$airports) . " retained!\n";
   return $airports