datasets / awesome-data

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Football datasets #250

Open rufuspollock opened 6 years ago

rufuspollock commented 6 years ago

It would be great to get a list of "awesome" football related datasets.

@geraldb would you be up for helping curate this as i know you are something of an expert. What we'd be looking for is just a list of great datasets in this area.


geraldb commented 6 years ago

@rufuspollock Thanks for the consideration. Unfortunately I try to maintain over 500+ projects on github so I'm already strechted trying to update those :-).

The reality is there's close to zero (structured) open football data.

The best definite guide for collecting sources (I know of) is "Guide to Football/Soccer data and APIs" last updated on June 21 2017by (the great ) Joe Kampschmidt (@jokecamp) - Big thanks!

I started an Awesome Football page @ Planet Open Data for collecting datasets some time (years) ago - unfortunately - not really updated for some time now.

Greetings from Vienna. Happy new year! Prosit 2018! And as always thanks for your great inspiring open / frictionless data initiatives. Keep it up.

rufuspollock commented 6 years ago

@geraldb totally get the stretched part 😄 and really appreciate the detailed comment. Happy new year to you 🎄 🍷

Would you mind if we re-used some the material from the Awesome Football page here (with appropriate credit of course)?

The best definite guide for collecting sources (I know of) is "Guide to Football/Soccer data and APIs" last updated on June 21 2017by (the great ) Joe Kampschmidt (@jokecamp) - Big thanks!

@geraldb thanks for pointing this out - it looks great. @jokecamp this is a great resource and if you had any comments they'd be warmly welcomed.

geraldb commented 6 years ago

Would you mind if we re-used some the material from the Awesome Football page here (with appropriate credit of course)?

Of course, it's an honor - please, (re)use from the page as much material as you please - that what it's here for. It's public domain - no credit needed.

Awesome idea ;-) the awesome page on the new site. Keep it up. Prosit 2018!