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Putnam Bowling Alone data #267

Open rufuspollock opened 5 years ago

rufuspollock commented 5 years ago

Data for Putnam's Bowling Alone listed on the book's website research page:



Selected statistical trend data

Three primary data sets were used extensively in the research reported in Bowling Alone: Collapse and Revival of American Community. Interested researchers should consult Bowling Alone (and especially Appendix I) for more details on these data sets. Two of these (the DDB Life Style archive and various state-level measures of social capital) are now available for downloading from this site. Thank you for your interest in Bowling Alone.

I. The DDB Life Style data

, made available through the generosity of DDB Worldwide of Chicago, Illinois, who retain appropriate rights, including copyright, on these data, while allowing fair use for scholarly and academic research. Copyright 1975-1998 by DDB Worldwide. Also available for downloading is a simple summary of the 389 variables in this data set. In all this data set covers 1975-1998 with a total unweighted sample size of 84989.

For ease of downloading this data set is provided in several different formats (all contain exactly the same data, choose the one that best serves your needs):

  • Tab-Delimited (for import into any stats package)
  • Portable SPSS (for import into SPSS on any platform)
  • SPSS version 9 for Windows (no importing required)

We have also provided a data dictionary which explains the values of the different variables used.

  • Access Data Dictionary Here

The data sets are provided in zipped format which makes them quicker to download. In order to access the data you will need to “unzip” it using a program such as WinZip.

II. The 14 state-level measures of social capital

Along with the Comprehensive Social Capital Index, are described in Table 4 and pp. 290-291, of Bowling Alone; the underlying sources of these data are given in the end notes to those pages.

  • State Data in EXCEL Spreadsheet Format
  • State Data in Tab-Delimited Format

III. The third data set, the Roper Social and Political Trends archive,

was compiled and cleaned through the efforts of a joint research team, headed by Professor Henry Brady of the University of California-Berkeley and Professor Robert D. Putnam of Harvard. The underlying surveys used to create the Roper Social and Political Trends data set are archived at the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at the University of Connecticut, and the Roper Center retains ownership of the data. For that reason, the Roper Social and Political Trends data set is available only from the Roper Center itself and only subject to their usual terms and conditions.

We expect that this data set will be released by the Roper Center sometime in the late summer or early fall 2000.


Roper data is now at:

However it is restricted access to Roper members, see dataset page:


Landing page:

Roper Social and Political Trends Data, 1973-1994, from RoperASW serves as one of three primary datasets used extensively in the research reported in Bowling Alone: Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert D. Putnam, Harvard University. In an effort to explore the current state of social capital in the United States, Putnam has tapped the rich collection of time-series data gathered by RoperASW (now know as GfK Consumer Life) from the fall of 1973 through 1994. This unique resource has now been contributed to the Roper Center at Cornell University in an effort to further the study of social capital and scientific social inquiry.

This dataset was compiled and cleaned through the efforts of a joint research team, headed by Professor Henry Brady of the University of California-Berkeley and Professor Putnam.

The dataset includes selected items from 207 public opinion surveys conducted as part of the Roper Reports series by the Roper Organization or its successor organization RoperASW between 1973 and 1994. More than 400,000 unique respondents are included in this cumulative file.

Each survey contains a twelve-item battery of questions about participation in political and social activities, as well as information about respondents’ demographic characteristics. With varying frequency, these surveys also include a wide range of other social and civic activities ranging from volunteer work to church attendance to dinner with friends.

Download Roper Social and Political Trends Data, 1973-1994 — Data & Documentation

Roper Social and Political Trends Data, 1973-1994 [31097293]

Note: Data subsequent to 1994 are available on a proprietary basis from RoperASW (now know as GfK Consumer Life).

Cached data

StateMeasures.txt codebook.docx

rufuspollock commented 3 years ago

Started repo: