datastorm-open / rAmCharts

API for Amcharts
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How to display percentage in amFunnel chart? #60

Closed ThoDuyNguyen closed 7 years ago

ThoDuyNguyen commented 7 years ago

Is there any proper method to display the percentage along side with the numeric value?

My current approach is to calculate the percentage and append them to description column.

TitouanRobert commented 7 years ago


You can use amFunnelChart function :



g1 <- amFunnelChart(dataProvider = data_funnel, startDuration = 0, labelPosition = 'left', marginLeft = 200, marginRight = 100, titleField = 'description', valueField = 'value', balloonText = "[[title]]
[[value]] : [[percents]] %", labelText = "[[title]]: [[value]]
[[percents]] %") g1

You can also modify object render by amFunnel :

data('data_funnel') g2 <-amFunnel(data_funnel) g2@otherProperties$balloonText <- "[[title]]
[[value]] : [[percents]] %" g2@otherProperties$labelText <- "[[title]]: [[value]]
[[percents]] %" g2

Regards, Titouan

ThoDuyNguyen commented 7 years ago

That would be a nice solution.

Thank you for the help.