datastorm-open / rAmCharts

API for Amcharts
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Syncing zoom across several date-based serial charts #74

Open cegbuna opened 6 years ago

cegbuna commented 6 years ago


Nice package you put together. I use it a lot.

I'm trying to replicate the JS example in using listeners in rAmChart but I've not been able to get it to work after several trials. I added the JS below to my existing serial charts per your suggestion in but nothing happened. Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm not familiar with JS so this might be something simple that I'm missing.

addListener(name = "syncZoom", expression = paste("for (var x in charts) {
                                                    charts[x].addListener("zoomed", syncZoom);
                                                    charts[x].addListener("init", addCursorListeners);

                                                    function addCursorListeners(event) {
                                                    event.chart.chartCursor.addListener("changed", handleCursorChange);
                                                    event.chart.chartCursor.addListener("onHideCursor", handleHideCursor);

                                                    function syncZoom(event) {
                                                    for (x in charts) {
                                                    if (charts[x].ignoreZoom) {
                                                    charts[x].ignoreZoom = false;
                                                    if (event.chart != charts[x]) {
                                                    charts[x].ignoreZoom = true;
                                                    charts[x].zoomToDates(event.startDate, event.endDate);

                                                    function handleCursorChange(event) {
                                                    for (var x in charts) {
                                                    if (event.chart != charts[x]) {

                                                    function handleHideCursor() {
                                                    for (var x in charts) {
                                                    if (charts[x].chartCursor.hideCursor) {
                                                    charts[x].chartCursor.forceShow = false;

Thank you.

bthieurmel commented 6 years ago


It's possible with ?amTimeSeries using group parameter