datastorm-open / shinymanager

Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single shiny applications.
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Back to the app from admin mode without fab_button #150

Open anpefi opened 1 year ago

anpefi commented 1 year ago


I'm using shinymanager in a app served company-wide. Using shinydashboardPlus, I created custom buttons for logout and enter admin mode in the user profile menu, setting the fab-button (position="none), as this way is more intuitive for my users. Both buttons works great.

in app_ui.R:

secured_ui <- shinymanager::secure_app(
    enable_admin = T,
    fab_position = 'none',
    language = "es",
    tags_top =
        tags$h2("My app", style = "align:center"),
        tags$img(src = "www/appLogo.png", width = 150),

in app_server.R:

output$user <- shinydashboardPlus::renderUser(
          name = creds_reactive()$user,
          image = "www/user_icon.png",
          title = NULL,
          subtitle = paste0("Grupo: ", creds_reactive()$userGroup),
          footer = NULL,
          column( width = 12,
            shinydashboardPlus::dashboardUserItem(actionButton(".shinymanager_logout", label = "Cerrar sesión"), width = 6),
            if(creds_reactive()$admin) {
              shinydashboardPlus::dashboardUserItem(actionButton(".shinymanager_admin", label = "Administración"), width = 6)
            } else {NULL}

The issue arise when I want to come back from the admin mode to the main app given that the only way was using the fab_button and now this is not shown. I think it would be useful to have another button/link to go back to app in the admin ui for those cases where fab_button is hide.

Anyway, could I add a button for such a task from my code into the admin ui (maybe using shinyjs)? Or any other workaround?

Thanks for this awesome package,


anpefi commented 1 year ago

Hi again, I've solved this issue with the following workaround in app_server.R (and keeping fab_position="none"):

    if (!is.null(input$shinymanager_where) &&
          input$shinymanager_where %in% "admin"
        ) {

      insertUI(selector = ".container-fluid",
               where = "beforeEnd",
               ui = fab_button(position = "bottom-left",
                                               inputId = ".shinymanager_app",
                                               label = NULL,
                                               icon = icon("share")

However, I think it would be nice to have a "native" solution to go back to te app from the admin console when fab_position="none".

Cheers! Andrés.