I am having trouble installing shinymanager in a RStudio Connect instance running in Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy).
When I try and install the package, I get the following error:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Error: Command failed (1)
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Failed to run system command:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: '/opt/R/4.1.0/lib/R/bin/R' --vanilla CMD INSTALL --preclean '/opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/tmp/RtmpvxgvDZ/packrat-install-235a5f16f85b/shinymanager' --library='/opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/packrat/lib/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.0' --install-tests --no-docs --no-multiarch --no-demo
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: The command failed with output:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: * installing *source* package ‘shinymanager’ ...
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: ** package ‘shinymanager’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: ** using staged installation
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: ** R
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: ** inst
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: ** tests
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: unable to load shared object '/opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/packrat/4.1.0/v2/library/openssl/d161b1da1ec8b54285aaf071849ed128/openssl/libs/openssl.so':
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Calls: ... asNamespace -> loadNamespace -> library.dynam -> dyn.load
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Execution halted
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘shinymanager’
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: * removing ‘/opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/packrat/lib/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.0/shinymanager’
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Unable to fully restore the R packages associated with this deployment.
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Please review the preceding messages to determine which package
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: encountered installation difficulty and the cause of the failure.
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: Warning message:
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: In packrat::restore(overwrite.dirty = TRUE, prompt = FALSE, restart = FALSE) :
2023/02/23 2:39:37 PM: The most recent snapshot was generated using R version 4.2.1
I am having trouble installing shinymanager in a RStudio Connect instance running in Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy). When I try and install the package, I get the following error:
It seems that Ubuntu2204 has upgraded to OpenSSL3 and they don't have an install candidate for libssl1.1. Is support for OpenSSL3 possible?
Thanks in advance!