datastorm-open / shinymanager

Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single shiny applications.
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Setup for MariaDB #184

Closed f-zehner closed 7 months ago

f-zehner commented 9 months ago

Thought you might be interested in this marginally adapted yml-file for the use with MariaDB.

# needed R packages for DB connection. Use comma separation for multiple dependencies like [package1, package2]
r_packages: [RMariaDB]

# connection using DBI Interface
# Possible to use !expr Sys.getenv(`NAME_ENV_VAR`)
# all args to be passed to DBI::dbConnect
  drv: !expr RMariaDB::MariaDB()
  host: "localhost"
  dbname: "dbname"
  port: 3306
  user: "username"
  password: "************"

    tablename: credentials                    # if you want to change tablename
    # user, password, start, expire, admin = mandatory with this name
    # after you can add optionnal custom columns next, getting back in server.R and admin interface
    init: CREATE TABLE {`tablename`} (
            `user`  varchar(100) PRIMARY KEY, 
            `password`  varchar(256),         
            `start`  date,                   
            `expire` date,                   
            `admin` boolean                  

    # Keep same {glue_name*}, update request only if needed.   
    select: SELECT * FROM {`tablename`} WHERE `user` IN ({user*})
    update: UPDATE {`tablename`} SET {`name`} = {value} WHERE `user` IN ({udpate_users*})
    delete: DELETE FROM {`tablename`} WHERE `user` IN ({del_users*})
    tablename: pwd_mngt                       # if you want to change tablename
    # user, must_change, have_changed, date_change, n_wrong_pwd = mandatory with this name
    #  No additionnal columns here
    init: CREATE TABLE {`tablename`} (
            `user`  varchar(100) PRIMARY KEY, 
            `must_change`  boolean,           
            `have_changed`  boolean,        
            `date_change` date, 
            `n_wrong_pwd` smallint
    # Keep same {glue_name*}, update request only if needed.  
    select: SELECT * FROM {`tablename`} WHERE `user` IN ({user*})
    update: UPDATE {`tablename`} SET {`name`} = {value} WHERE `user` IN ({udpate_users*})
    delete: DELETE FROM {`tablename`} WHERE `user` IN ({del_users*})
    tablename: logs                           # if you want to change tablename
    #  all = mandatory with this name
    #  No additionnal columns here
    init: CREATE TABLE {`tablename`} (
            `id` SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            `user`  varchar(100),             
            `server_connected` timestamp, 
            `token`  varchar(100),          
            `logout` timestamp,          
            `status`  varchar(100),          
            `app` varchar(100)               
    # Keep same {glue_name*}, update request only if needed. 
    check_token : SELECT * FROM {`tablename`} WHERE `token` IN ({token*})
    select: SELECT * FROM {`tablename`} WHERE `user` IN ({user*}) AND `server_connected` >= {`date_h_begin`}  AND `server_connected` <= {`date_h_end`}
    update: UPDATE {`tablename`} SET {`name`} = {value} WHERE `token` IN ({token*})

Works, although the whole app has become super-slow since I included MariaDB via shinymanager. Will need to see whether I can improve this.

EDIT: It seems that shinymanager does not manage the DB connections properly when using MariaDB. I just copied a MWE from my local dev environment to the server and while the app loaded quickly the first time, when I reloaded the app, it also was really slow (>1min loading time), so it seems it generates connection zombies.

sciordia commented 9 months ago

Hi @f-zehner,

I have the same performance problems as you with an R shiny application that integrates shinymanager + MariaDB, have you been able to solve the problem?

Thank you very much. Sergio

f-zehner commented 9 months ago

Hi @sciordia,

Interesting. Unfortunately, I haven't. Just using a workaround by falling back to a non-DB variant (setting up a dataframe loaded via an RDS that is managed via a different interface based on MariaDB). If you do not need the admin panel and user log information shinymanager provides this is a quite well working variant because it's slim. Did you use my YAML posted above or one you created yourself? (just trying to make sure I did not introduce the performance problems with my YAML)

Best, Fabian

bthieurmel commented 7 months ago

Hi. Some performance improvment on last version 1.0.510.

f-zehner commented 7 months ago

Hi @bthieurmel Thanks so much for your work! Indeed, the performance issues with MariaDB are resolved 💪 However, unfortunately, I have two subsequent issues. Let me know if you want me to open new issues for those instead of adding them here. They seem, however, related to your recent release, so it might be reasonable to report them in here:

Thanks again for your work

EDIT: The admin panel is able, however, to update the credentials-table (e.g., if I ask for password changes), so I'm pretty confident the above issue is a bug in the add user-feature.

bthieurmel commented 7 months ago

Hi. Due to MariaDB boolean gestion as integer and DBI support. We needed to explicitly convert first value to 0 / 1.

Fix on github version.

sciordia commented 1 week ago

Hi @f-zehner and @bthieurmel ,

I'm glad you were able to solve the performance issues with shinymanager, could you update the code you are currently using after the improvements made by @bthieurmel , please?. @bthieurmel, is the version that fixes these problems already available in cran or do you have to use the latest version from github?.

Would it be possible to use a MariaDB database that already has the user table implemented. I would just want shinymanager to check the credentials and if they are correct to allow access.

Thanks in advance to both of you.
