datastorm-open / shinymanager

Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single shiny applications.
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Request - add user from the login screen? #68

Open ferguskeatinge opened 3 years ago

ferguskeatinge commented 3 years ago

Not a bug but a request.

Would it be possible to add a way for a brand new user to add/create their own an authentication credentials from the log in screen? i.e. create a registration page?

This would be an excellent feature and somewhat rival authenticators such as Auth0.

Thank you for the excellent package regardless!

StatisMike commented 3 years ago

Firstly: As I am only partial contributor for this package and I didn't take part in any planning and project work for it, take what I say with the grain of salt. It is possible that main contributors want to add that option in the future.

From my perspective the possibility of register new user from the login screen is against the main function of this package, which is security: the apps that are created with it are meant to be secure from any user which weren't authorized by admins of the packages.

The functionality that you are suggesting sounds like less access-security (as it allows self-registration and self-authorization) and more optional identification. It can be useful, but I feel like it isn't the scope of this package.

For this kind of functionality (allowing user to register an account, possibly for some sort of premium access for logged in users, but not keeping your application fully secure from outside world) I welcome you to take a peek into shiny.reglog package, of which - unfortunately - I am a sole contributor at the moment. It allows anonymous users to fully view your app, but they can get registered and logged in. I personally use that functionality for the logged in users to view the results of their test taken in the ShinyApp in the past.