datastorm-open / visNetwork

R package, using vis.js library for network visualization
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New Versions of VisNetwork pushed to CRAN? #408

Closed DarylMcCullough closed 3 years ago

DarylMcCullough commented 3 years ago

This is a sort of broad issue having to do with VisNetwork updates. Is VisNetwork continuing to be updated, and are new updates being made available to the CRAN repository? I know that maintaining free open source software is a lot of thankless work (thanks for all the work, by the way, to Benoit and everyone who has contributed). But I am wondering about the future of this project because I have been using it extensively in recent years.

What is involved in pushing a new version to CRAN? I don't think that I would be of much help in programming issues, but I would volunteer to help out with the necessary testing of new versions.

dmenne commented 3 years ago

It would really help if the main author could comment on the future of VisNetwork. Has this project been abandoned? If yes, we should probably fork it and post it under some other name to CRAN.

bthieurmel commented 3 years ago

No, this project is not "abandoned", I'm working on severals others projects, so just missing time to check and push a new version on CRAN

bthieurmel commented 3 years ago

I've just init a v9.1.0 branch with the latest version. Have some bug on configure options, so have to wait for fix on vis-network js for a CRAN update

But you can try this latest version if you want / have time.

dmenne commented 3 years ago

Thanks, this help a lot, my people prefer a "CRAN-only" version!

bthieurmel commented 3 years ago

Ok. Fix the configure pb directly in R, and merge into master. Coming soon on CRAN...

bthieurmel commented 3 years ago


dmenne commented 3 years ago

Congratulations. I know what a effort it is to follow the paths of CRAN