datastorm-open / visNetwork

R package, using vis.js library for network visualization
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Visual improvement to visLegend #444

Open CorentinWicht opened 2 years ago

CorentinWicht commented 2 years ago

Dear visNetwork team,

I am having a hard time building a nice looking legend using VisLegend, here is the best I can do with my (large) dataset: visLegend(useGroups = F,addNodes = Colors.df, position = "left", main = "State", ncol = 2, zoom = F, width = 0.18) image

By the way, I have tried changing the type of shapes provided to visNetwork (as suggested in this thread) but this has no influence on the legend shapes).

Here is a snapshot of my network graph and as you can see I am using the "dot" shape type with text outside of the shape and the legend still has text inside: image

Hence, isn't there an option to create a simpler legend with the texts outside of the shapes, something very basic like that ?


Best wishes,


CorentinWicht commented 1 year ago

Anyone here to help?