datastrato / gravitino

World's most powerful open data catalog for building a high-performance, geo-distributed and federated metadata lake.
Apache License 2.0
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[Improvement] Add people who made significant contribution to contribitors table #3361

Closed justinmclean closed 4 weeks ago

justinmclean commented 1 month ago

What would you like to be improved?

We are planning to donate our Gravitino project to the ASF, part of the process is to make sure everything is correct IP-wise. Usually, this means contributors signing Individual Contributor License Agreements (ICLAs). We want to make this a bit easier for people who have contributed to our project.

How should we improve?

@coolderli @xloya @caican00 @charliecheng630 @hiirrxnn @zivali @xiaozcy @NIRMALraki @Lanznx @Yangxuhao123 @danhuawang @TEOTEO520 @noidname01 @laiyousin @xnge

(don't worry if your name is not listed as some other contributors have been contacted via email)

If you could go to:

And create a PR adding your name, GitHub username and company (if applicable) to the Contributors table.

justinmclean commented 1 month ago

@coolderli @xloya @caican00 @charliecheng630 @hiirrxnn @zivali @xiaozcy @NIRMALraki @Lanznx @Yangxuhao123 @danhuawang @TEOTEO520 @noidname01 @laiyousin @xnge can you please add your names to the contributor's table. If you do not do this we will need to ask you to sign an ICAL. Filling in an ICLA is a lot more work, as you need to print it off, personally sign it, scan it back in and send it back.