datastrato / gravitino

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[FEATURE] altering table can't support to add new partition column? #3412

Open mygrsun opened 2 weeks ago

mygrsun commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the feature

iceberg table has the feature of Partition Evolution。 so,Can gravitino api support this feature like this?

Table sampleTable = ...; sampleTable.updateSpec() .addField(bucket("id", 8)) .removeField("category") .commit();


No response

Describe the solution

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FANNG1 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, it's not supported yet, is this a product requirement for you?

mygrsun commented 1 week ago

Yes, it's not supported yet, is this a product requirement for you?

yes ,tbds's product requirement

FANNG1 commented 1 week ago

@mygrsun, reasonable requirement, we have not planned yet, do you have any interest or time to work on this?