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[#3554] feat(spark-connector): support spark multi Version #3415

Closed FANNG1 closed 4 days ago

FANNG1 commented 2 weeks ago

What changes were proposed in this pull request?

  1. split spark connector to spark common which contains common logic and v3.x which contains adaptor logic
  2. add separate GitHub action to do spark IT
  3. ./gradlew :spark-connector:spark35-runtime:build to build corresponding spark connector jars

Why are the changes needed?

Fix: #3554

Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?


How was this patch tested?

existing tests with corresponding spark version

FANNG1 commented 1 week ago

@jerryshao @qqqttt123 @caican00 could you help to review when you are free, thanks

FANNG1 commented 4 days ago

@jerryshao all comments are addressed, please help to review again.