datastrato / gravitino

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[#3244] Improvement(core): add hidden property names cache for list catalog info #3418

Closed mchades closed 3 weeks ago

mchades commented 1 month ago

What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Why are the changes needed?

Because directly accessing catalog hidden property names requires switching the class loader context, it will incur additional overhead, which will increase as the number of catalog provider types grows.

Fix: #3244

Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?


How was this patch tested?

existing tests

mchades commented 1 month ago

@LauraXia123 @ch3yne Can you help investigate the reasons for the Fronted IT failure?

mchades commented 3 weeks ago

@jerryshao @FANNG1 It's ready for review now

mchades commented 3 weeks ago

Since the cache does not solve the cold start problem, close this PR and use #3611